Our Work with TO!
Everything began when it all got shut down ... a blessing in disguise that has kept us adapting and organizing ever since. Follow our journey up until now!

May 31st, 2020
TO Virtual Interactive Experience
First time the Outcast TC showcased Theatre of the Oppressed for the Tampa community - albeit online.
July 1st, 2020
First TO Workshop with YWCA Metro Phoenix
First time we were contracted to use TO with an organization - albeit online.

July 21st, 2020
PD Webinar with CGEST (ASU)
First time working with ASU's CGEST online.
August 11th, 2020
"Covid y Cultura" with Planned Parenthood
PD Webinar with Planned Parenthood around this original, Forum Theatre piece created by the Outcast TC.

August 12th, 2020
"Black Women's Equal Payday" with YWCA
PD Webinar with YWCA around this original, Forum Theatre piece created by the Outcast TC.
October 16th, 2020
First time we were contracted to use TO with an organization - albeit online.

December 1st, 2020
"Acting Out Towards Social Justice" with UW Madison Extension
Webinar with UW Madison Extension program.
January 7th, 2020
First Joker Training Session